Understanding doubt as a part of faith

Jesus Is Greater Than Doubt - Archie Coates

Archie Coates addresses the topic of doubt in Christian life, presenting it as a normal and often necessary part of faith. He refers to the story of Thomas the Apostle to illustrate that moments of doubt can lead to deeper understanding and a stronger faith. Coates emphasizes the value of staying within the community and moving towards Jesus during periods of uncertainty, and he reassures that faith is not about having no doubts, but about how we handle and respond to these doubts.

  • Stay in Community: Maintain your connection with the faith community even if you feel out of sync, as this can lead to moments where Jesus reveals himself anew.

  • Embrace and Share Doubts: Be transparent about your doubts. Sharing them can help make the church a more inclusive space for everyone’s faith journey.

  • Move Towards Jesus: In moments of doubt, actively seek Jesus by engaging with the texts, the community, and in your personal reflections.

  • Explore Personal Doubts: Welcome doubts as a part of your internal growth process within your ‘house’ where Jesus resides, leading to healing and reordering of feelings.

  • Reaffirm Your Faith: Renew and reaffirm your commitment to Christ by prayer and acknowledging His presence in your life, despite doubts.

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