The power of prayer

The Room Where It Happens - Tim Somers

Tim Somers speaks about the importance of prayer and its transformative power. Tim gives us biblical stories to show us how critical 'rooms' or moments of decision and communion with God are in shaping faith and life outcomes. He encourages earnest prayer, falling at Jesus' feet in humility, and maintaining a rhythm of prayer. Tim underscores how making room for Jesus not just publicly but in our private moments of obedience, will allow God to show out his power and bring change to our lives.

  • Establish a Morning Prayer Routine: Set a daily alarm for early morning prayer to connect with God before the day begins.

  • Create a Prayer Space: Identify and prepare a dedicated space at home for prayer and reflection.

  • Practice Humility in Faith: In your daily life and prayers, consciously practice humility before God.

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