The Power of Christ Living Within Us

From God With Us To God In Us - Drew Worsham

Drew Worsham discusses the significant shift from God being with us to Christ living within us through the Holy Spirit. Drew emphasizes that recognizing Christ’s presence inside us should radically change how we interact with our faith, from how we pray and meditate on scripture to how we worship and engage in community. Drew underlines the potential that an intimate, transformative relationship with Christ gives, one that goes beyond religious rituals.

  • Enhanced Prayer: Every good conversation enables both speakers to talk, give God his time to speak in your prayer time by pausing and listening to his voice.

  • Practice Trustful Obedience: Approach obedience not as a duty but as an opportunity to align your will with Christ’s, out of love and trust in who he is.

  • Transform Your Worship: See worship not just as singing songs but as a way to connect more deeply with Christ and remind yourself of His greatness and goodness.

  • Build Authentic Community: Invest in a spiritual community that encourages and supports your identity in Christ.

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