A gentle reminder to keep faith and stop doubting God’s plan

Don't Trip - James Teague

Pastor James Teague talks to the struggles of doubt and discouragement that even the most steadfast believers, like John the Baptist, may face. By hinging on the story of John questioning Jesus's methods and identity from prison, James beautifully unfolds the spiritual conversation about having unwavering faith even when circumstances make it challenging. He encourages and reminds us to not get lost in negative experiences that we will face daily and we must keep moving forward by trusting in God's unchanged plan for our liofe.

  • Embrace the Mission: Refocus on God’s continuous work. Find in the now, the current positive impacts of God rather than dwelling on uncertainties or changes that seem unsettling.

  • Maintain Steadfast Faith: Stay committed by remembering and recounting past successes and interventions by God in challenging situations you’ve faced.

  • Understand Seasons of Doubt: Acknowledge the moments of doubt you have as part of the journey through faith, it allows for growth and deepens your understanding of God and his plan.

  • Positive Perspective: Actively shift perspectives from negative to positive constantly in your day by celebrating small victories and resting in God’s promises.

  • Decrease to Increase: Practice humility and let God take the forefront in your actions and decisions, recognizing His power to elevate you even when you’re in the valley and can’t see a way through.

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