Finding Purpose in the Unplanned

Now What? - Holly Furtick

Holly Furtick explores how to handle life’s unexpected and challenging 'now what?' moments, using stories of Peter from the Book of Acts. She discusses embracing God's push, finding supportive people, responding to the Spirit's pull, and recognizing God's presence in every challenge. The goal is to see these tough moments as opportunities for growth and deeper faith.

  • Accept the Push: Reflect on recent challenges and consider how they might be pushing you towards growth or change.

  • Find a Person: Identify someone who has experienced similar challenges and reach out for advice or support.

  • Respond to the Pull: Stay alert to subtle signs or nudges that might guide your decisions or actions today.

  • Get in His Presence: Spend time in prayer or meditation, asking God for clarity and direction in your current situation.

  • Recognize God in the Climax: Acknowledge and give credit to God's role in your life successes and share these moments with others.

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