Finding hope and purpose when all seems lost

It's Not Over - Jabin Chavez

Jabin Chavez reminds us of the importance of faith when overcoming life's challenges. He shares the story from 1 Kings 17 about Elijah and the widow of Zarephath, illustrating how faith in God can transform a situation of despair into one of abundance and hope. Through the widow’s act of faith, despite her dire situation, God miraculously provides for her, her son, and Elijah. Jabin urges us to see beyond our current circumstances when everything seems hopeless. We need to trust in God's plans and embrace the calling God has for our lives regardless of what is happening in the natural.

  • Embrace The Calling God Has Placed On You: Engage in personal reflection and with your community, exploring the unique gifts God has given you and how they can be used in service to others.

  • See Beyond Your Circumstances: Create a vision board that focuses on God’s promises and your future aspirations, not your current limitations.

  • Activate Your Faith: Start a faith journal detailing moments where you choose to trust God despite not seeing the full picture.

  • Challenge Fear with Faith: List fears that are holding you back and find scriptures that refute them. Meditate on these scriptures daily.

  • Cultivate Gratitude in Times of Lack: In moments of lack, make a list of gratitude and recount moments of God's previous faithfulness in your life.

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