Embrace radical obedience to unlock your divine harvest.

If You Say So! - Zai Chandler

Zai Chandler explores the theme of obedience to God's word, illustrating through the story of Simon Peter in Luke 5, how obedience, even when it defies human logic, can lead to profound divine blessings and revelations of personal purpose. The sermon emphasizes that godly obedience often requires perseverance through times when outcomes aren't immediately visible, encouraging believers to trust in God's timing for their harvest.

  • Practice Radical Obedience: Start taking small steps in obeying God's directions even when they do not make sense.

  • Never Give Up: Continue pursuing your divine purpose even when previous attempts have failed.

  • Engage with the Word: Regularly read and meditate on the Bible to align more closely with God's commands.

  • Trust God’s Timing: Maintain faith and patience during periods of waiting after you've planted seeds of obedience.

  • Join Faith-based Community: Get actively involved in church groups to nurture spiritual growth and support.

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