Discover your true worth and walk in your God-given identity.

Worth More Than Rubies - Dr. J. T. Flowers & Jerry Flowers

Jerry Flowers and Dr J. T. Flower address the deep-rooted issue of insecurity among women, attributing it not as a problem in itself, but a symptom of not understanding one's true worth. They emphasize the inherent value of women, likening their worth to 'more than rubies' (Proverbs 31) and using biblical wisdom to challenge the congregation to seek self-worth through God's perspective rather than cultural standards. They call both men and women to pursue authenticity and integrity, fostering relationships that honor God.

  • Understand Your Worth: Reflect on Proverbs 3:15 and internalize the understanding that your value exceeds all earthly possessions.

  • Combat Insecurity with Scripture: Use Proverbs 31:26 as a daily affirmation to remind yourself of your capacity for wisdom and kindness.

  • Seek Wisdom: Study the women of Proverbs (Proverbs 3:15, 12:4, 31:26) and apply their characteristics in daily life to cultivate a godly identity.

  • Foster Integrity in Relationships: Prioritize transparency and integrity in all relationships, ensuring your words and actions always reflect your Christ-like character.

  • Challenge Cultural Standards: Regularly critique the cultural messages about women’s worth you consume in media and conversations, aligning them with biblical truths.

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